Monday, May 21, 2012

Cows are out, must be summer!

It's true, the cows are out. Last night was the first night they were out overnight as well. Hooray!! This means slightly less work for C in the barn, which is always a good thing, since he's out plowing and planting and raking and disc-ing and harrowing and spreading, and whatever else it is he does this time of year. Really, my understanding of the process is fairly basic. I'm lucky if I can assign the right verb to the right piece of equipment. To be fair, there is a lot of equipment around this farm. And in the hedges. And in the field where it probably stopped working and it just got hauled to the side. On tv last night, there were some scholars reenacting a Victorian era farm and using a beautifully and lovingly restored horse drawn seed drill, which I could spot some similarities between the modern one C uses now, but obviously they've come a long way. Then C pipes in with the offhand remark of; "Oh yeah, we've got one of those out in back of the pasture field. Well, the metal for it anyway." Wow. You just never know what's going to turn up on a farm when the farmers (going back generations) have a strong philosophy of never getting rid of anything. Oh, small child, the things you will inherit from your father.

What's that? I'm the cutest cow ever? Why yes, I did know that.
Oh yes, him. That noisy non-sleeping creature that takes up all my time and likes to slap me around when he's excited. Yep, he's still around. Well, rolling around anyway. He's gained like 5 pounds this past week or so, with the pinched nerve in my back attesting to this glorious growth spurt. While he had reverse gear firmly conquered with crawling, he's now starting to make inroads on his forward mobility as well, meaning he's able to move towards his goal object with slightly fewer u-turns and just rolling around till he gets there. He's an old pro at getting from sitting to all fours, on his back, front and lounging, the only position he gets stuck in now is when he's wedged himself under a piece of furniture and gets frustrated because the giant couch doesn't move backwards when he wants it to. Of course, this means life for the animals is starting to get a little more like a black ops mission when they want to get from one side of the room to the other without being mauled or shrieked at. The dog just takes it, she's so glad someone wants to pay attention to her, she doesn't mind that his sticky little fingers dig into her until I can get them un-wedged. She's quite happy to sit and lick him while he chews on her ears. This is discouraged however, because by the time his next two teeth pop in, I really don't want to deal with extra vet bills for itty bitty punctures all over my dog. The cat is slightly more crafty, and often takes the high road or sneaks behind furniture in order to get past him. Her favorite thing is to perch up high and look down at him with disdain. I see the little gleam in his eye as he looks at her though - it won't be long before he starts to scale things to get to her. God help us.

Where'd that damn cat go? He was right here a second ago....
The return of summer has meant that we get to go outside more to play, with less clothes. Yesterday he sat in the grass by himself for the first time. He like it at first, then I think he decided he was lonely down there with the green pokey bits, so we'll do some more later. We're going to have to, if we're ever going to get this chicken coop finished......