Saturday, August 6, 2011

Progress, and out of the NICU!

The day after he was born, less than 24 hrs later, Alexander had his surgery as scheduled after having an MRI, and both went well! His Doctors were all very pleased with him. The myelomeningocele repair surgery went as best as can be hoped for, and we then spent some time in the NICU at the IWK for all his antibiotics and follow ups, then we transitioned into pediatrics care for observation and to let us get the chance to learn how to care for him and get settled with him. 
Chillin in his NICU bassinet. This sweet ride had wheels, a cabinet underneath to store all his diaper accouterments in, and the bed actually slid over to open up space to change diapers on the top beneath it. Unfortunately, it doesn't go home with him.
 His range of motion is really great. Feet and legs are kicking, he has almost normal muscle tone (we might have some work on the lower calve muscles down the road, whatev) and he wiggles his toes all on his own. We're so lucky, I don't know how it's possible, but we're so pleased and thanking our lucky stars; there's no signs of hydrocephalus, he's going to the bathroom just fine on his own (and often), and they sent us home last Friday.

Because it's cold, all men require toques. His is just a little soft. And little. And white. You know how I feel about white.

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