Friday, January 6, 2012

So my baby is growing up. He no longer needs me to come downstairs when he's crying to turn on his crib music. He does it all for himself:
No mom, I'm not sitting too close to the tv, it's too close to me!
So how did this happen? My little squirmy puddle bottom of a baby has figured out how to do something, which to me, seems fairly complex a train of thought for one so little. He has to decide: Hey, I'm bored, I'd like to listen to my music and watch my fish swim! Then he has to maneuver his little body into a position close to the apparatus, that, though inside his crib, isn't really positioned in a way that would invite random turning on, it actually takes elevation and aim. In the semi dark. While still not possessing the motor skills of someone able to, shall we say, motor. Then he rolls back to where he can see it, and happily watches it play.

Beware, world. The thought processes have become more complex. This could mean doom to my sanity. Could.

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